Mystical Shadows:
A Journey Through Time
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Rubbing your eyes, you stop walking and try to make sense
of your surroundings. Blackness surrounds you, illuminated
by the occasional spark or shooting star. You are beckoned
forward by some unseen force. Shrugging your shoulders,
you begin to walk forward through what seems to be a large web
of fine threads. The soft and thin filaments begin to stick
to your body. You hastily try to wipe them away, but to no
avail. You stop and look down at yourself. The threads seem to have
surrounded your body, distorting its shape. Glowing softly, they
project a spot before you which gets brighter and brighter, larger and larger.
Before long, the rip in the blackness is complete, and the threads
around your body disappear. Gazing wonderingly into the tear, you feel
something shove you. You begin to tumble down through the sky....
You hit the ground hard, knocking the wind from your lungs.
I welcome you, Dear Soul, to a realm where reality is truly
under my control...
I welcome you...
...into the Shadows.
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Email RPG works, please feel free to send an Email to: [email protected]
All Medieval/Celtic Type graphics/backgrounds were made by: ClipArt